Girls Like Me Project presents an immersive film screening experience featuring Disney's "Enchanting the Little Mermaid" in partnership with National Geographic Explorer, featuring A Reflective Talk with Fulbright alumna, Alyea Pierce.
Saturday, May 27th
Cinema Chatham: powered by Emagine
210 W. 87th St.
Chicago, IL. 60620
General Admission includes:
Our Why:
Despite society's patriarchal attempts to crush the souls of Black girls and women, and undermine how they see themselves, Girls Like Me Project asserts that Black girls are healthy, confident, powerful and worthy.
As a means to advance our mission to push past stereotypes by exposing girls to the powerful narratives and contributions of Black girls in spaces that have otherwise muted their impact, Girls Like Me Project will host an exclusive screening experience of Disney's "Enchanting The Little Mermaid."
This event creates an interactive, immersive movie going experience where Black girls connect to HERstories rooted in concepts of memory, authenticity, identity, and oral storytelling through sound and voice about maritime archaeology. GLMPI makes the connection between National Geographic's Into the Depths and this beloved classic film. Our belief is that while girls can never be mermaids, this experience is designed to exemplify what IS real and possible.
Special Guest Speaker: A Reflective Talk with National Geographic Explorer and Fulbright alumna, Alyea Pierce
National Geographic Explorer and Fulbright alumna, Alyea Pierce will present a reflection conversation using poetry, spoken word performance, audio, and photography to examine oral storytelling and folklore traditions across the African diaspora. She is a poet and researcher who recently contributed to National Geographic’s podcast series Into the Depths, and was recently featured on episode 1 of National Geographic's The Soul of Music—Overheard’s four-part podcast series focusing on music, exploration, and Black history.
Hosting this event is a way for GLMPI to meet its mission and inspire girls to dream big and identify themselves as change agents; navigating experiences and locales beyond the normalized depictions of violence, misogyny, and hyper-sexualized images and media they often consume.
Proceeds from ticket sales support FREE programming for girls and helps advance the mission of Girls Like Me Project.
*Partners: Avents By August, K. Carlton Events, VMJ Consulting, and National Geographic*
Saturday, May 27th
Cinema Chatham: powered by Emagine
210 W. 87th St.
Chicago, IL. 60620
General Admission includes:
- Live DJ
- Interactive STEM activities
- Photo Booth
- Popcorn & Drink
Our Why:
Despite society's patriarchal attempts to crush the souls of Black girls and women, and undermine how they see themselves, Girls Like Me Project asserts that Black girls are healthy, confident, powerful and worthy.
As a means to advance our mission to push past stereotypes by exposing girls to the powerful narratives and contributions of Black girls in spaces that have otherwise muted their impact, Girls Like Me Project will host an exclusive screening experience of Disney's "Enchanting The Little Mermaid."
This event creates an interactive, immersive movie going experience where Black girls connect to HERstories rooted in concepts of memory, authenticity, identity, and oral storytelling through sound and voice about maritime archaeology. GLMPI makes the connection between National Geographic's Into the Depths and this beloved classic film. Our belief is that while girls can never be mermaids, this experience is designed to exemplify what IS real and possible.
Special Guest Speaker: A Reflective Talk with National Geographic Explorer and Fulbright alumna, Alyea Pierce
National Geographic Explorer and Fulbright alumna, Alyea Pierce will present a reflection conversation using poetry, spoken word performance, audio, and photography to examine oral storytelling and folklore traditions across the African diaspora. She is a poet and researcher who recently contributed to National Geographic’s podcast series Into the Depths, and was recently featured on episode 1 of National Geographic's The Soul of Music—Overheard’s four-part podcast series focusing on music, exploration, and Black history.
Hosting this event is a way for GLMPI to meet its mission and inspire girls to dream big and identify themselves as change agents; navigating experiences and locales beyond the normalized depictions of violence, misogyny, and hyper-sexualized images and media they often consume.
Proceeds from ticket sales support FREE programming for girls and helps advance the mission of Girls Like Me Project.
*Partners: Avents By August, K. Carlton Events, VMJ Consulting, and National Geographic*